Friday, December 31, 2004

A card from Gstaad

It was a hard day when I came home late and my eyes cathced an envelope with a card in it. It cheered me up instantly... Dany!!! Thanks a lot Dan, it feels wonderful that somebody from a place far far away from here still remember me.
Everything with you sounds still the same, you wrote with such many misspelled words :-) Well, that's you! And you still talk about travelling, and you're always not sure to write a letter but then you wrote quite long letter, that's you too! :-) Is lime squash still your favourite drink? Do you still watch sport a lot? If yes, then that's still you! Except as you said, you're getting older, of course! Everybody's getting older, and nothing's wrong with that... The older, the wiser, I hope! :-D A wise man with a playstation! :-)) Can't imagine...
Me, I still love AC Milan, always, still hate the smell of beer, still have an obsession of going to see the world like you! I don't change either!
Thanks again Dan, I'll send you a card as well, promise! Enjoy your day, hugs and kisses from me...! And of course, selamat tahun baru!!! Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!!! Hey I speak german! :-D

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Setelah lama gak ada kabar, aku seneng banget penpal tersayangku ini kirim email lagi... Selalu sibuk ama toko es krimnya, jangan-jangan udah nambah lagi tokonya nih... Butuh karyawan gak ya dia... Kirim lamaran aaah... Hihihi...

Caro Damy, non mi crederai che sono cosi felice di risentirti! Spero che tutto bene. Ho rispondato la tua mail, non e cosi bene storia da me, vero...? Ma comunque, la vita e bella, sempre bella... :-*

My first day with this blogger...

Lucu juga, gak ada rencana bikin blogger tadinya, malahan gak tau blogger tu apaan... Tau2 karena 2 temen dari Geng Cemen, Mbak Wida & Lely yg heboh bikin blogger malah aku jadi ikutan... Punya Lely malah belom jadi :D

Ini tulisan pertamaku, belom ada ide sebenernya, tapi kan emang aku musti tulis sesuatu...
Mudah2an tulisan2 yang akan datang lebih bagus...