Tuesday, August 30, 2005

WHiCH oNe You PReFeR, DeaR?

"Why didn't we know each other earlier?" Does this question sound familiar to you? This question crossed my mind as well for few times, and a few days ago, somebody just asked me again that question! Funny, isn't it? It depends on how you see the whole thing; life, that person, and yourself. So my answer is, that I didn't want to know that person earlier, because if we knew each other earlier, maybe what happened is different, because at that moment everything was different from now, that person, myself, his life, my life, his personality, my personality, the world, the life, everything was different! I'm not even sure that we could get along together!! So, just be grateful for what you have now, for what you live now. Maybe you think things shouldn't go this way, but believe me, what's happening to you now is the best way of things going on your best time.
So which one you prefer, my dear? Loving me as who I am now on the moment of you are now, or not having a chance to know each other better?
I prefer knowing you now as you are now, and just enjoy and cherish every precious moments because time will only pass through our lives once.

Monday, August 29, 2005

HaPPY BiRTHDaY aZZuRRiNa & DeNGaN...!!!

Hari Sabtu yang lalu, tanggal 27 Agustus 2005, salah seorang CeMeNeRS, Azzurrina, ultah, gak perlu disebutin yang ke berapa, pokoknya, kami seluruh CeMeNeRS berharap hal yang baik-baik untuknya, dan juga mudah-mudahan harapan-harapannya segera terwujud, amin..
Di samping Azzurrina, another CeMeNeRS, Dengan juga celebrate ultahnya, walaupun udah lewat, tepatnya tanggal 14 Agustus 2005. Sama seperti harapan-harapan kita untuk Azzurrina, Dengan juga mudah-mudahan segera mencapai impian-impiannya, amin...
Kami ngumpul di GM Thamrin, seluruh CeMeNeRS hadir, cukup surprise juga, soalnya belakangan ini rada susah ngumpulin mereka semua, kayaknya makin pada sibuk masing-masing. Banyak berita-berita baik yang kami denger kemarin, antara lain Lele yang bakal mulai kerja lagi awal September ini, Tuyul yang naek gaji, Dengan yang udah kalkulasi biaya pernikahan - mudah-mudahan segera ya Bu... - juga cerita Azzurrina tentang persiapannya pergi ke Bali, dan aku juga happy denger GG gak ikutan, at least I'm less jealous gitchuuu... :p Ada 3 peserta tambahan, Ica, Mama & Sukron.
Pulangnya, aku nganterin Tuyul potong rambut ke Rendy, tambah cantik deh... Untuk menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat ya Yul... :)
Pokoknya, Sabtu kemarin itu I really had a good time, my big hugs and kisses for all CeMeNeRS, and special bigger hugs and kisses utk Dengan dan Azzurrina yang lagi ultah... :* :*